Get ready to raise the roof with Jazz Co.

Prepare to be dazzled as we unveil a whole new body of work crafted by leading choreographers. Our vibrant program offers a kaleidoscope of dance styles, ranging from the sensual and lyrical movements of contemporary jazz to the electrifying beats of modern street dance and the rhythmic complexities of tap.

Join us as we journey through a world where every step tells a story and every movement pulses with energy and passion. Feel the music come alive as our dancers captivate you with their skill, creativity, and infectious enthusiasm.

The Capitol, Horsham
Thurs 6 Jun 2024
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New Theatre Royal, Portsmouth
Mon 10 Jun 2024
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Walker Theatre, Shrewsbury
Thurs 13 Jun 2024
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Pentland Theatre, artsdepot, London
Mon 24 – Tue 25 Jun 2024
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